How to DevOps? Part 3: Continuous Integration (CI)

The very first set of technical practices involved in a DevOps journey are certainly the ones related to Continuous Integration or CI. But having a CI server, such as Jenkins, is not sufficient to master Continuous Integration and reach the benefits. Read on why.

Excuses to not do testing

That’s a question you won’t hear from most software developers who do not know where to start when thinking about doing software test automation! To put you in context, I’m currently a continuous improvement initiatives leader in a large non-software company (doing a lot of software). I faced a lot of resistance in adopting practices and processes to improve our software quality. Automated testing is by far the most difficult practice I had to put in place, even in my own team; Now imagine when you have to convince 1000+ developers you don’t even work with directly! This article is about the most important reason why tests do not get written.